Perspective: 10 Questions with Destiny Wimpye

Age: 13
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
School: Debbie Allen Dance Academy
Favorite Brand: Gaynor Minden
Dream Roles:
 No specific role but I would love the opportunity to travel the world and dance. I think as I get a little older I will decide if classical or contemporary ballet is best for me.


How did you first come to dance? 
I started taking a recreational dance class at my daycare at age 3.

Who has been your most influential teacher?
My most influential teacher has been Debbie Allen.

What is your favorite source of healthy energy?
Water and fruit!

Walk us through a day in the life at DADA:
My day at DADA starts at 4:30 during the week and ends around 8. I take ballet 6 days a week, a modern class and maybe an elective like hip hop.

What other styles of dance do you study?
I train in ballet, jazz, hip hop, modern and Latin fusion. I think it is very important to be a well-rounded dancer.

Where do you plan to study this summer?
The School of American Ballet!

Who is your dance idol?
I have several: Ingrid Silva is one of my favorites because I think we relate when it comes to leaving our families to train. I also stay connected with Alison Stroming, Daphne Lee, Ashley Mayeux, Khalia Campbell and Anthony Burrell. They all have certain things that I see in myself or that I would like to learn from them.

What is something not many people know about you?
I love chocolate.

What is a goal of yours for 2017?
My goal is to continue to train and work on developing relationships with other dancers. I am lucky enough to have some of the best mentors, so I want to continue to learn from them also!

Where do you hope to be in 10 years?
Wow! In 10 years I will be 23 years old. I plan to have graduated from Fordham University and be traveling with a company. I definitely plan to be an active mentor for other young dancers.

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