Perspective: Effective Cross Training for Dancers with Royal New Zealand Ballet Artist, Christian Renforth

Micaelina Ritschl

Cover Photo: Christian Renforth, Courtesy of Cincinnati Ballet. Photo by Hiromi Platt Cross training: What does it me...

Meet Boulder Body Wear - Lafayette, Colorado

Micaelina Ritschl

Shop: Boulder Body WearStore Owner: Amy KenneyLocation Lafayette, COExpertise: Expert pointe shoe fittings What is y...

Perspective: An Interview with The Prix de Lausanne

Micaelina Ritschl

Cover photo: Prix de Lausanne 2020 by Gregory Batardon  While the past year and a half has been full of challenges a...

Meet Dancewear Centre - Toronto, Ontario | Canada

Micaelina Ritschl

Shop: Dancewear CentreStore Owners: Rob & AmandaLocation: Toronto, Ontario (Canada)Expertise: Dance lifestyle pro...

Perspective: Competition Insight Interview with ADCIBC Gold Medalist, Yana Peneva

Micaelina Ritschl

Cover photo: Yana Peneva at Universal Ballet Competition   Hi Yana, thanks so much for joining us for an interview! ...

Meet SF Dance Gear - San Francisco, California

Micaelina Ritschl

Shop: SF Dance Gear Store Owner Name: Rose Kirshner Location: San Francisco, CA Expertise: Personalized pointe shoe f...

Perspective: Interview with Larissa Saveliev, Co-Founder and Artistic Director of Youth America Grand Prix

Micaelina Ritschl

Cover Photo: Larissa Saveliev teaching in studio Photo by Joe Toreno Have you ever competed in the Youth America Gran...

Meet Sylvia Dancewear and Dance Shop - Tokyo, Japan

Micaelina Ritschl

Shop: Sylvia Dancewear and Dance ShopStore Owner Name: Takayuki IwataLocation: Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Sappor...

Perspective: All About Stars and Stripes with NYCB Soloist, Sara Adams

Micaelina Ritschl

Cover Photo: Sara Adams performing in Stars and Stripes.Photo by Erin Baiano When you think of the Fourth of July, ...

Meet Metronome Dancewear - Carmel, California

Micaelina Ritschl

Shop: Metronome Dancewear Store Owner: Heather Aldi Location: Carmel, California (plus a traveling boutique, The Toe ...

A Look Inside: Staying Year-Round at School of American Ballet, Royal Ballet School, & The HARID Conservatory

Micaelina Ritschl

Cover photo from left to right: Olivia Bell, School of American Ballet; Catherine Doherty, Photo by Gene Schiavone;...

Meet Footlight - Helsinki, Finland

Micaelina Ritschl

Shop: Footlight Dancewear Shop Store Owners: Taina Schorin-Keltto and Enni Schorin Location: Helsinki, Finland What...
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